Presentations of the conference on wilderness and old-growth forest, Day 2
Session 1. Model initiatives for the wild
Session Chair: Eladio Fernandez Galliano, Former Head of Biodiversity and Heritage, Council of Europe
- Germany, new funding initiative to support wilderness targets, Manuel Schweiger, Programme Director, Germany, Frankfurt Zoological Society
- Progressing the Danube Carpathian Programme, Ionut Sorin Banciu, Regional Forest Lead, WWF Central & East Europe
- President Macron’s 10% vision for France, Lydie Doisy, IUCN France Wilderness Group; Coordinator Programme Régional d’Espaces en Libre Evolution (PRELE)
- The long way to environmental laws on wilderness (Czech Republic), Pavel Kindlmann, Director CzechGlobe Foundation, Prague Jaromir Blaha, Hnuti DUHA, Czech Friends of the Earth
Session 2. Launch of the European Wilderness Forum
Session Chair: Gernant Magnin, Wild Europe Executive Committee
Session 3. Natural habitats, ecosystem services and climate change: the need for sound science
Session Chair: Martin Mikolas, Forestry Faculty, Czech University of Life Sciences
- Ecosystem services and climate change – why sound science must guide the New Green Deal and beyond Michael Norton, Director of the Environment Programme, European Academies of Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
- Linking incentives to science: action for bioenergy in Europe – EU level and country model replication, Mary S Booth, Director, Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI) USA
Session 4. Promoting best practice in the wild
Session Chair: Bill Murphy, former Head of Environment and Recreation, Coillte Irish Forestry Agency
- Steps towards a wilder nature in state owned forest: examples to replicate in Europe Rebecka La Moine MP, Sweden
- An update on policy and practice for illegal & inappropriate logging, David Gehl, European Director, Environmental Investigation Agency
- European Natural Forest Conservation Summer School, Stephanie Kalberer, Frankfurt Zoological Society
Session 5. A framework for large-scale restoration in Europe
Session Chair: Theresa Frei, European Forest Institute
- Core elements for a restoration/rewilding strategy, Kris Decleer, International Board, Society for Ecological Restoration
- Launch of the IUCN Task Force on Rewilding, Steve Carver, Co-Chairman IUCN Task Force
Session 6. New legal, enterprise and funding frameworks
Session Chair: Viktoria Hasler, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria
- Long-term legal protection: freehold/leasehold frameworks and easements – a new initiative, Adam Eagle, Clifford Chance LLP, Founder: The Legal Mechanism
- Private sector protection: a report on landholder incentives, Bernhard Kohler, WWF Austria
- A practical enterprise toolkit for wild nature, Anastaysiya Bakteeva, Conservation Capital
Session 7. EU Parliamentary Resolutions: to date and looking ahead
Session Chair: Zoltan Kun, Head of Conservation, Wild Europe
- The 2009 Resolution on Wilderness: using a powerful mandate
- Components for a Resolution with old growth/primary forest, impacting on EU and non-EU countries, Session Leader: Michal Wiezik MEP
Session 8. European policy & practice – the wider impact
Session Chair: Andreas Beckmann, Chief Executive, WWF Central & East Europe
- The New Green Deal and the global impact of Europe, Katja Garson, FERN (video conference)
- European linkage with key international instruments, (UN Decade for Restoration, CBD) – the Carpathian Convention and UNEP, Harald Egerer, Head of the UN Environment Programme Vienna Office Head of the Carpathian Convention
- Updating key instruments: Stage II of Management Guidelines for N2000 wilderness, and the Wilderness Register, Steve Carver, Director Wildland Research Institute (Leeds University), Co-Chair IUCN Rewilding Task Force
Closing session: Implementing and communicating the Action Plan for wilderness and old growth/ primary forest in Europe
Session Chair: Ladislav Miko, Head of EU Representation in Slovakia, Chairman, Wild Europe
- Message from Bratislava, Elements for an Action Plan, Toby Aykroyd, Wild Europe coordinator