EC Presidency Conference on wild area restoration

Rebuilding the Natural Heart of Europe

16/11/2010, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels


DAY 1 Assessing what’s possible: can we achieve a practical vision?

Opening Session, Restoration – building for the future

The wilderness momentum for modern Europe

Jo Mulongoy

Head of Scientific Division, CBD Secretariat, Montreal

Facing the perfect storm – wild area restoration at a critical time for biodiversity

Ladislav Miko

Director of Natural Environment, European Commission DG Environment

The meaning of wild area restoration

Vladivoj Vancura

Conservation Director, PAN Parks Foundation

Session 1   If they can do it…! Restoring wildness to the heart of Europe

South East England – Great Fen

Alan Bowley

Senior Reserves Manager, Natural England

Swords to plough blades and military areas to wilderness

Christof Schenck

The Foundation for Natural Landscapes Brandenburg, Germany

Netherlands – Riverine restoration

Johan Bekhuis

Ark Foundation

Session 2       Restoring wildness across Europe

Restoration in Europe – an overview

Magnus Sylven

International Consultant, former director, WWF Europe / Middle East

‘Rewilding Europe’ initiative– pre launch update

Frans Schepers

Programme Leader,
WWF Netherlands

Restoration: a global perspective

Harvey Locke

Vice President, Conservation Strategy, Wild Foundation US

Restoring the forests of Europe – best ecological practice: the Sumava Bayerischerwald programme

Hans Kiener

Deputy Director, Bayerischerwald National Park, Germany

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