Wild Europe launches RECCS Report at COP29

An Olympian task to accelerate progress

The RECCS Report, Renewable Energy and Climate Change Strategy, was launched at COP 29 on 14th November, with a summary leaflet and a main document. It was produced by Trinomics Consultants, energy advisors to the European Commission and national governments, and commissioned by Wild Europe. 

Some 65,000 delegates registered at COP29 climate summit in Baku, with key issues at stake including agreement on climate funding for developing countries, and the impact of withdrawal from the Paris Agreement by the forthcoming US Trump regime.

RECCS: better alternatives to commercial forest bioenergy 

Over the last 10 years solid (forest) energy has become the largest element of so-called ‘renewable’ energy in Europe – from where it is now expanding globally.

Subsidies for forest bioenergy in Europe are likely to total over 35 billion EUR per year by 2050 if BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture & Storage) proceeds. 

Wood burning Drax – an image of ‘green’ energy bathed in naturalness 

The RECCS Report calls for these subsidies to be reallocated, together with incentivised matched funding, to costed alternative approaches for addressing climate change:

  • Genuine renewables (wind power, solar, marine, together with heat pumps, storage and transmission capacity)
  • Demand reducing enterprises (insulation, recycling, fuel efficiency, emission reducing tech)
  • Investment in carbon absorbent ecosystems – eg forest, wetland, salt marsh

RECCS offers massive benefits, economic as well as environmental, and has been developed since its inception at Wild Europe’s 2019 Bratislava Conference. 

It is far more than a representation from climate and biodiversity campaigners. Broad input has also been provided from economic, investment, enterprise, consumer and healthcare perspectives. As such it represents a call from a broad and growing coalition of interests. 

Principal findings of the RECCS Report

These findings are collated in the summary leaflet, with some of them listed below:

  • Forest bioenergy produces higher CO2 equivalent emissions than the fossil fuels it is intended to replace, even coal, and makes Paris Agreement targets much harder to achieve
Relative emission figures speak for themselves, CO2 equivalent adjusted for life cycle, Trinomics Consultancy
  • Forest bioenergy is the least cost-efficient source of power generation and can be replaced by genuine renewables at roughly 30% of the cost, freeing up massive funding for effective alternative means of addressing climate change
  • The direct and opportunity costs of proceeding with BECCS, in both environmental and economic terms, would be colossal
  • By 2050 reallocation of resources from forest bioenergy with BECCS to the above alternative means of addressing climate change could create carbon savings of 870 million tons of CO2 equivalent – 26% of the EU net zero goal
  • Boosted investment through RECCS could deliver 94 billion EUR pa in Gross Value Added by 2050, together over 1.6 million in higher tech employment
  • Instead of destroying large areas of carbon reservoirs and biodiversity rich ecosystems using forest bioenergy, large new ecosystems can be restored and protected

Promoting implementation for RECCS

Liaison on RECCS was arranged by Wild Europe with the following entities, among others, during COP 29 and the parallel World Climate Summit in Baku:

  • National government delegations (including energy, environment and finance ministries)
  • The UK Transition Plan & Finance network and associated organisations
  • EU – European Commission / Directorates General 
  • UNFCC and consultants; related organisations including the Climate Champions Team, IPCC, UNESC energy departments, PRI, CEET, ZAOA, SDS network together with IEA and IFRS
  • Key climate policy and research institutes
  • Global Carbon Capture & Storage Institute and associated network  
  • OECD, World Bank, IFC, IBRD, EBRD, regional development banks together with private sector finance & consultancy networks
  • Renewable energy sector representatives 
  • Organisations linking to COP30 in Belem: Brazilian Development Bank, CEBRI, PNF etc

Closer networking links to “End Carbon Fuels”

Wild Europe will also be seeking to promote closer partnerships at the COP, building on the telecoms it first organised in October 2021 to share experience and objectives between some 30 key forest bioenergy and fossil fuel campaign NGOs. 

With presentations from Ville Niinisto MEP, then Rapporteur for LULUCF Reform (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) in the European Parliament, and Professor Mike Norton, Environmental Programme Director for the European Academy of Sciences Advisory Council, the aim was to secure great coordination between two networks with their similar objectives. 

Enlightened self-interest means more than money

Five key aims included:

  • For the bioenergy campaigners to learn from economic and financial lobbying expertise in the fossil fuel campaigns
  • For fossil fuel campaigners to learn that just ending fossil fuel burning, whilst entirely laudable, can lead to more higher emission forest bioenergy burning
  • To highlight the dangers of co-firing, creating so-called ‘abated coal by mixing it with wood. The resulting emission may be even higher than coal alone, but the process labelled ‘green’ and eligible for subsidy – thus prolonging use of coal
  • To thus agree a joint campaign slogan “End Carbon Fuels”, widening the existing “End Fossil Fuels” banner
  • To introduce RECCS to the fossil fuel campaign NGOs, offering an alternative renewable energy strategy that could apply costed substitutes for fossil fuels as well as forest bioenergy

It is hoped that further coordination between the two networks can be secured to mutual benefit.

Shareholder Action Plan

This involves extending existing arrangements whereby NGOs acquire shareholdings in key corporates involved in the forest bioenergy sector, thus gaining greater insight into their mode of operation and having opportunity to represent in the presence of other investors. 

The process can quite positive, involving suggestions for business plan diversification away from higher risk solid bioenergy into a broader product of renewables and other alternative industrial process approaches that are both more climate friendly and offer a potentially higher rate of return on capital employed (ROCE), being much less dependent on subsidy and often inherently profitable by comparison.

Wild Europe is conducting a consultancy on a related issue. Could institution of Clean Energy/Tech Indices in individual international Stock Exchanges help facilitate the financing of this process, which also has potential to bring new issue business to those exchanges involving high growth enterprise? 

Hungarian Civil Presidency: Ancient forest & wilderness need new skills & strategy for protection

Presentations by Wild Europe personnel in October for the Hungarian Civil Society Presidency programme supported strong EU targets but identified urgent need for capacity building to meet these.

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Civil society and the EU Hungarian Presidency

Eyes on Hungary and its people at a critical time for Europe

With the Budapest regime adopting an increasingly non-aligned stance on environmental and governance issues, NGO interests have established a “Civil EU Presidency” to provide a parallel voice for the way ahead during Hungary’s six month tenure.

As expressed on the Civil EU Presidency website, output from a series of  events together with participation in other EU related sessions, will be collated into recommendations for environmental strategy – and the role of a fully functioning, inclusive democracy in developing this.

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Achievements for 2022/23

1.  Support for key outcomes from EU Biodiversity Strategy:

  • Ongoing promotion of the strict protection adopted for the 10% of EU terrestrial & marine areas, particularly old growth/primary forest, with non-intervention as its general default mode – allowing exceptions for managed habitats (secondary: grasslands, heathlands) and key threatened species
  • Development and joint presentation of key elements for a Restoration Strategy at the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) in Alicante, September 2022, by Wild Europe (Ladislav Miko, Erika Stanciu, Toby Aykroyd) and SER (Kris DeCleer)
  • Promotion of importance of ecosystem integrity (especially natural forest), non-intervention for Post 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) at COP15 (Zoltan Kun) in Montreal
  • Wild Europe definitional criteria used in large scale wilderness mapping for Iceland, a model project for land use planning and large-scale protection with restoration, launched by partner Wildland Research Centre with Wild Europe in Reykjavik by Environment Minister
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Enterprise element of successful Sumava NP programme to be assessed

Sumava and Bayerischerwald: non intervention at the heart of Europe

Wild Europe’s initiative to identify local community enterprise opportunities in and around Sumava National Park is to be assessed for further development.

The initiative was originally proposed in an outline feasibility study for (non-extractive) enterprise related to wilderness areas in Sumava, which also promoted close links to the adjoining BayerischerWald National Park in Bavaria.

The Czech Environment Ministry gave its support to the initiative in 2018, with a statement from Vice Minister Vladimir Dolejsky:

“I consider elaboration of this study very important not only for the development of the National Park Sumava region, but also in terms of the future course of national parks in the Czech Republic in general”.

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Call for cessation of commercial bioenergy at UNFCC conference

Bonn 2024, Credit: UNclimatechange.

Representatives from five continents called to a rapid and drastic reduction in burning of forest biomass – dubbing it a ‘fake’ form of renewable energy – at the UN conference in Bonn on 8th June.

Wild Europe’s presentation, as part of this call, focused on the need to reallocate all existing official subsidies to alternative far more effective means of addressing climate change.

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Nature Restoration Law (NRL) passed – lessons for the future

Nature – and the economy – triumphs over 275 Neros. For now.

At last a prize worth cheering about, as the European parliament votes 329 votes in favour, 275 against, to back the NRL.

The final step will involve Council endorsement towards the end of March, with Environment Ministers meeting on 26th. Thereafter successful implementation will depend on Member States adopting effective National Restoration Plans. 

Behind the celebrations there is much ground to cover.

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UK Government warned against adoption of ‘deeply flawed’ BECCS energy policy

In its response to the Government’s consultation on subsidies for Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage on 29th February, Wild Europe has strongly advised the cessation of all further support for solid (forest) bioenergy.

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Welcome to Kriton Arsenis

We are very pleased to welcome Kriton as a trustee of Wild Europe. 

Twice voted “MEP of the Year” by his colleagues in the European Parliament for achievements in forest and marine conservation during his tenure from 2009 – 2014, he has a significant track record as environmentalist and politician.

He played a key role in development of forest policy, including establishment of the EU Timber Regulation, and led the Parliament in adopting EU legislation on monitoring emissions from land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), as well as ending important derogations of EU environmental assessment legislation. He was also active in fisheries legislation,establishing the non-intervention Fish Stock Recovery Areas in the CFP.

Kriton has since been a member of the Greek parliament until 2023. He shares Wild Europe’s principles on the importance of wilderness and non-intervention management, and founded the Roadfree Campaign which has recently scored significant successes in Greece (read more here). Additionally he brings a significant background in planning and regional development.

Rescuing the Nature Restoration Law

NRL squeezed though the European Parliament, but fundamental reforms are needed for it to succeed

It is a stark but surprisingly little-known fact that farming and forestry interests opposing the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) represent less than 2.5% of Gross Domestic Product in the EU. 

Yet the costs of inappropriate management in worsening climate change and ecological degradation fall on the remaining 97.5% of the economy.

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European Business & Biodiversity Forum shows the need for alliance

The growing urgency of climate change and biodiversity loss necessitates rapid increase in mutual understanding between business and biodiversity. 

The European Business and Biodiversity Forum, involving some 500 enterprises on 21stJune in Paris, sought to address this issue.

Wild Europe’s presentation to the Forum stressed the important role of companies in conservation, particularly restoration, and outlined measures needed to enhance this.

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Australia declassifies wood from natural forests as renewable energy

Saved from the incinerator – Australia’s natural heritage

On 15th December Australia became the first G20 nation to renounce natural forests as a legitimate feedstock for bioenergy. They will no longer qualify for subsidies through Large-Scale Generation Certificates.

It underlines the need for strict protection of remaining primary/old growth forest, coinciding with the latest report to demonstrate a much higher carbon carrying capacity of larger trees than previously calculated.

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Ambitious Restoration Strategy outlined at SERE symposium

Key proposals for a Restoration Strategy based were laid out in a symposium held at the Society for Ecological Restoration (SERE, Europe Chapter) in Alicante on 9th September.

Titled “Large scale rewilding across Europe: overcoming challenges to achieve a historic opportunity“, the symposium suggested ambitious objectives and called for extensive reforms to achieve these.

It was headed by Ladislav Miko, lead environmental advisor to the current EC Presidency and Wild Europe trustee. Toby Aykroyd of Wild Europe coordinated the event with Kris Decleer of SERE Council and there was further keynote participation from Erika Stanciu, Vice Chair of WCPA, Chair of Wild Europe, and Cara Nelson, Chair of the IUCN Ecosystem Thematic Group.

Key proposals

The symposium’s proposals ranged widely cross the spectrum of habitat types and conservation modes. They included:

  1. Non-intervention management through natural processes to be a core default element in restoration and ‘strict protection’ of 10% of the EU terrestrial and maritime territory: to secure cost-effective conservation, effective protection of dependent species, mitigation, resilience and adaptation to climate change, with scale delivery of quality ecosystem services
  2. Strict protection of primary/old growth forest, involving a ban on all extractive activity, to be extended to 15% of European forest cover – enabling consolidation of fragmented remnants, effective ecosystem function, buffering and connectivity; wherever possible this will be based on recovery through natural regeneration for the c 12% needing restoration.
  3. The interface between areas with conservation governed solely by natural processes and those where conservation is actively managed (secondary habitats such as grasslands, healthlands, silvopastoral landscapes, together with individual endangered species) to be carefully identified, specified, and enacted; this includes initial intervention where needed followed by long-term set aside.
  4. The above proposals to be implemented through multi-sector cooperation based on reformed grants for protection & restoration, together with a fully activated

Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) agenda and emphasis on securing long-term protection.

Close alignment with EU plans

The proposals are designed to be supportive of the necessarily far-reaching EU Biodiversity and Forest Strategies, and relate to emerging elements for the forthcoming EU Restoration Law – as well as linking to requests by conservation networks more generally.

The call for non-intervention management as a default within the definition of ‘strict protection echoes the representations of the European Habitat Forum on the Biodiversity Strategy produced in May 2019.

Growing momentum for the key role of non-intervention

Equally, Resolution 127 at IUCN Marseilles in 2021 called for a ban on logging and extraction generally as a key element in stronger support for protection & restoration of primary/old growth forest. This was backed by a massive vote of 674 members, 93 of whom category A – ie including governments; it is in turn based on Wild Europe’s 2018 Old Growth Forest Protection Strategy.

The need for far-reaching reforms

The symposium welcomed the extra funding to be made available by the EU for biodiversity targets. However far-reaching reforms are still needed, against a backdrop of growing climate crisis ,with the main 2020 Biodiversity Strategy targets missed and 81% of habitats and 63% of species in poor conservation status.

Among further proposals from the symposium:

Crucial linkage between restoration and addressing climate change
  • A systematic strengthening in the capacity of the conservation sector for economic valuation, enterprise management, financial procurement and lobbying specialisms was cited as a key requirement – at all strategic and operational levels. This is felt essential, to strengthen rather than supplant traditional conservation approaches, if the EU Strategies are to be adequately funded and win out against competitive or damaging land use practices.
  • More immediately, there is a requirement for carefully collated restoration targets: per country, area and habitat type – with sequential milestones up to 2050. These should be based on clearly formulated baseline and achievement goals, aiming to maximise both the extent of ecosystem renovation and of the total areas involved.
  • Adoption of SERE principles of restoration has a crucial role to play here, bringing together stakeholders, identifying common ground and setting clear goals along a continuum of restorative activity – in both strictly protected and protected areas.
  • Clearer linkage is also needed in practical planning to address the twin climate change and biodiversity crises – focused on a joint UNFCC/CBD approach, reflected at national and local level.
  • One element of this is a costed strategy to abolish climate-damaging subsidies for commercial scale forest bioenergy, and reallocate these to genuine renewables, conservation of carbon absorbent landscapes and measures to reduce emissions and boost the green economy

The overall Restoration Strategy is being finalized. It draws substantially off Wild Europe’s 2020 Action Plan and will include inputs provided by the Symposium audience after the presentations on 9th September.

For further information read

Large scale rewilding across Europe: Can we overcome challenges to achieve a historic opportunity? Ladislav Miko, Ministry of Environment, Czech Republic; lead environmental advisor to current EU Presidency; former Chairman, now trustee, Wild Europe Foundation

Let nature do the job. Large-scale spontaneous regeneration: where and where not? Kris Decleer, SERE Council; Senior Researcher Research Institute for Nature and Forest Belgium

An effective supporting strategy for successful rewilding strategy, Erika Stanciu, Chair of Wild Europe Foundation, Vice Chair WCPA Europe. Founder of ProPark Foundation and former President Europarc Foundation

EU Conservation and Restoration Strategies: Insights from a Global Perspective, Cara Nelson, Chair of the Ecosystem Thematic Group for IUCN

Funding a restoration strategy: the need for extensive reform, Toby Aykroyd, Director of Wild Europe Foundation, trustee European Nature Trust, FCC Romania and Rewilding Britain

Huge potential for a wild country

Rewilding for Ireland – from theory to practice

After centuries of deforestation and degradation, ecological restoration projects are starting to spring up across Ireland – seeking to address climate change and reverse biodiversity loss.

There is useful scope for establishing a few standardised principles of good practice, and this was the theme of a presentation to some 120 members of the Irish Wildlife Trust, given in 2021 by Zoltan Kun of Wild Europe and member of the IUCN Thematic Rewilding Group.

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Our trustees & key personnel

Foundation Trustees 

Erika Stanciu (Romania)

Chair of Trustees from 2022

Former Secretary of State for Forests in the Romanian government, now Vice Chair of World Council for Protected Areas (WCPA) for Europe. Founder-director of the Propark Foundation providing training and consultancy services, and Coordinator of Wild Europe’s Wilderness Working Group. Previously President of Europarc Federation (c 400 organisations) and Director of Retezat National Park.

Ladislav Miko (Slovakia)

Trustee and Chair from 2009

Currently lead advisor on environmental affairs to the Czech EC Presidency, with a role encompassing COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh and COP15 in Montreal. Formerly Director of Natural Environment at DG Environment with the European Commission, Environment Minister in the Czech government, Deputy Director-General of DG Sanco (EC), and subsequently Head of the EC delegation in Slovakia. Author of 116 publications.

Cyril Kormos (USA)


Chair of IUCN World Heritage Network, Vice Chair for World Heritage on WCPA, Founder-Director of Wild Heritage a project of the Earth Island Institute, Founder-Director of the global Primary Forest Alliance (formerly IntAct). Previously with WILD (US) and Conservation International. Author of books on Transboundary Conservation, Natural World Heritage and A Handbook on International Wilderness Law & Policy

Kriton Arsenis (Greece)


Twice voted conservationist of the year by colleagues in the European Parliament during his tenure from 2009 – 2014, with a string of achievements in forest and marine policy as environmentalist and politician, and a background in planning and regional development. A member of the Greek parliament until 2023, he also founded the Roadless Campaign.

Erik Balaz (Slovakia)


Chairman of the Aevis Foundation, forest ecology specialist, writer, Director of Arolla Films producing documentaries on wild nature including Keeper of the Wilderness, The Living River and Wolf Mountains. Active campaigner for the protection of ancient natural forests, and originator of the Eastern Carpathian Mountain conservation strategy.

Gernant Magnin (Netherlands)

Foundation Secretary

Environmental consultant. Formerly with WWF Netherlands, and previously Director of the Eurosite network and WWF Turkey. Bird specialist, campaigner against illegal shooting, author of several publications focused on the Danube Basin, fish migration, bird guides and falconry.

Foundation Executive 

Toby Aykroyd (UK)

Director and Trustee

Background including economic development (UN Development Programme), enterprise management and forestry; also formerly director of SME lobby group representing 12,500 businesses. Involved in conservation of large natural ecosystems for the last 20 years. Trustee of the European Nature Trust, Rewilding Britain, FCC (Romania). Chair of CHASE Africa Foundation. Former Chair of Funding Support Group for BBC Wildlife Fund.

Zoltan Kun (Hungary)

Head of Conservation

Member of IUCN Primary Forest Task Force and IUCN Rewilding Thematic Group, representing Griffiths Primary Forest programme and PFPI (US), with specific interest in management of wilderness protected. Member of Wildland Research Institute. Former Director of the PAN Parks Foundation operating in 12 European countries, prior to that with WWF Hungary. President of the Federation of Large Lakes & Wetlands in Hungary.

France – superb potential for pleine naturalité

France SauvageNew national wildness network proposed

Earlier this summer, Wild Europe with its French associates proposed an initiative to coordinate support for creation and protection of wilderness (espaces à haute naturalité) and wild areas (zones sauvages). 

Based on the Wild Europe definition[1] of such areas developed in 2012, this would involve creating “France Sauvage”, the working title for a network of NGOs and supportive entities to champion the set aside of large areas of natural ecosystem where non-intervention allows natural succession (libre evolution), with management by natural processes.

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Three speakers at the BioStrategy launch
Frans Timmermans launches the BioStrategy with Commisioners Kyriakides (Health, Food Safety) & Sinkevičius (Environment)

EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: A major step forward

The EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy published on 20th May 2020 retains the visionary key targets in its earlier version. 

Proper implementation of the Strategy will require adequate funding and enforcement on the ground. Nonetheless the Commission is to be congratulated for sticking to its guns, so far, in advocating necessarily ambitious objectives for protection and restoration.

This represents good news for large natural ecosystem areas (“wilderness”) and natural forests – responding positively to major requests in Wild Europe’s most recent representation to Frans Timmermans and the Commissioners for Environment, Agriculture & Rural Development and Energy. This was subsequently responded to by Environment Commissioner Sinkevicius.

Ecologically priceless, beautiful – but is it protected? Matthias Schickhofer

Strong EC Commitments to protection

Key commitments by the Commission in the Biodiversity Strategy include

Legal protection by 2030 for a minimum 30% of the EU’s land and seas:

  • Strict protection for at least a third of these Protected Areas – ie 10% of total area, offering great potential for large natural ecosystem areas
  • This stipulation includes strict protection of all remaining EU old growth/primary forests along with other ecosystems
  • Establishment of comprehensive green & blue ecological connectivity
  • Call for effective definitions, mapping and management of the above – with implicit funding availability

For restoration – there is a new EU Nature Restoration Plan, with core focus on ecosystem services:

Aerial view of fenland landscape
The Great Fen – international icon for peatland restoration, IUCN UK National Committee
  • Legally binding Nature Restoration Targets by 2021 for degraded ecosystems, now delayed to end of 2022
  • These include no deterioration in PA conservation status by 2030
  • Criteria for additional areas to be determined at national level by end 2021, with effective action by 2023
  • 3 billion trees planted by 2030 (natural forest is needed)
  • 25,000 km of free flowing rivers, which can be linked to ‘blue connectivity’ and basin-scale flood mitigation, including restoration of riverine, flood sink and upland watershed forest and wetland
  • A new CAP to deliver at least 10% of agricultural area under “high diversity landscape features”. Wild Europe will be re-stressing its proposal for a supplementary Ecological Focus Area, tradable at regional level, to promote creation of consolidated large areas of natural ecosystem funded by CAP

A more mixed picture for renewable energy

For renewable energy, and the related RE Strategy, the picture is more mixed. 

A stain on the EU image: subsidised destruction of beech forest for commercial burning
  • Wording of permitted inputs for bioenergy remains significantly vague. Use of whole trees should be disallowed for financial support, not just “minimised”
  • It is unclear whether improved operational guidance on RED II sustainability criteria will support further improvements needed to recent TEG Taxonomy suggestions 
  • Subsidies for wood burning bioenergy must cease forthwith or this damaging practice, now representing half of timber consumption in Europe, will continue to undermine all eight elements of the EU Green Deal and compromise the EU’s coveted position as global leader in sound environmental practice. A poor image at COP15 in Kunming, 2021.

As Environment Commissioner Sinkevicius said at the Biodiversity Strategy launch “We cannot halt and reverse biodiversity loss without achieving Paris Agreement goals, and vice versa”.

Next steps in implementation

Much work is required to translate the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy commitments into adequate action.

  • Protection of old growth/primary forest should involve linkage of fragmented remnants and restoration of adjacent areas to enable proper ecosystem function and resilience 
  • The importance of scale and the central role of non-intervention management in delivering ecosystem services for strictly protected areas needs full recognition and application
  • The EC should promote the objectives of its Biodiversity Strategy in non EU European countries: through neighbour agreements, accession treaties, trade & aid policies, exchange of best practice
  • The 2021 EU Forestry Strategy needs to be truly aligned to biodiversity objectives with appropriate conservation measures
  • The new Forest Information System for Europe (FISE) should be an effective instrument for protection as well as restoration
  • Capacity building must address major gaps in the conservation sector’s ability to utilise macro-economic approaches and PES enterprise (payment for ecosystem services) for achievement of biodiversity objectives
  • The ‘significant proportion’ of the 25% EU budget on climate change to be spent on nature-based solutions needs clearly elaborating, along with other funding instruments – including the Recovery Instrument.
A strategy for all of Europe

A strategy for all of Europe 

The European Commission should also promote the objectives of its Biodiversity Strategy in non EU European countries.

Many of these contain the most valuable remaining areas of natural ecology in our continent, but generally have the lowest budgets for protection and the least effective legal protection. The EC can achieve much here: through neighbour agreements, accession treaties, trade & aid policies, exchange of best practice.

Implementation of Stage II of the current EU Wilderness Register, proposed by Wild Europe, will be an important step here. This would incorporate non EU countries into the existing Register and focus on non-extractive enterprise to secure conservation funding and local community and landholder support from the PES agenda

Funding and enforcement

The 20 bn Euro funding per year is relatively under budgeted for the scale of the task, and will have to come from private as well as public funds

There is additionally a ‘significant proportion’ of the 25% EU budget on climate change to be spent on nature-based solutions. This allocation needs clearly elaborating, along with other funding instruments – including the Recovery Initiative.

The need to ensure full enforcement is also critical. Many areas in the Natura 2000 network have little or no appropriate protection. Poor management at local level and slow prosecution are a major problem – with Court action at EC level (ECJ) on infringements of environmental law often being a very slow process.

Another glaringly simple problem is key habitats such as old growth forest are still not directly identified as requiring protection – one reason among many why the EU Guidelines on the Management of Wilderness and Wild Areas now need a Stage II version.

Effective reform of the Arhus Convention, strengthening access to information and justice for NGOs and individual citizens, will be helpful.

A complete overhaul of the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure is also urgently needed.

Congratulations and cooperation

Subject to the above, the EU is to be warmly congratulated for advocating the visionary aims in its Biodiversity Strategy that are so critical for addressing the dual crises of climate change and species extinction.

For its part Wild Europe also looks forward to liaising closely with representatives from forestry and land user sectors – including CEPF, EUSTAFOR and EFI – in identifying common ground and ensuring benefit for local landholders and communities as well as conservation.

Wood bioenergy “undermines every aspect” of EU Green Deal

Wild Europe’s draft consultation report, Sound Science for Forests and Bioenergy, examines the impact of wood burning for bioenergy the eight key elements in the European Commission’s draft Green Deal, published on 11th December 2019.

All elements are significantly undermined, as outlined below.

Logging of 180 yr old beech forest inside Bükk National Park, Hungary (WWF Hungary)

Tarnishing the EU’s environmental image

The European Union has won global respect over the decades as an iconic standard bearer for good environmental practice. 

This image is under a growing cloud as the Union continues to promote wood burning for bioenergy, despite its clear negative impacts on climate change, widespread destruction of biodiversity, inefficiency and huge expense.

Meanwhile further rapid growth is forecast, as international investors continue to take their cue from Europe’s example.

Further previous top stories

European Investment Bank – a major player for wilderness?

France Sauvage – New national wildness network proposed

EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: A major step forward

New Slovak government unveils potent support for wilderness

Wild Europe input to Consultation on EU Climate Target

Not all biomass is carbon neutral

Concern expressed over EC consultation on climate target

Update shows wide use of the wilderness definition in 2022

Rewilding opportunities in Britain emerging

IUCN ‘Rewilding’ Task Force meeting in Brussels

President Macron announces 10% natural habitat vision for France

Large Carnivore Management Best Practice

New protection for ancient English woodland

New IUCN Task Force on Rewilding established 

Wild Europe funds for mapping of France’s potential wild nature areas

President of Slovakia to participate at Wild Europe conference

Further 5 Million funding secured for FCC in Romania

Welcome back to Erika Stanciu as Head of Policy

CEEWEB joins Wild Europe

Global management guidelines – published for wilderness protected areas

Overview of 2% wilderness target in Germany

500,000 Euro raised for old growth forest protection

Old growth forest conference (Brussels 2017) launches key protection proposals

Rewilding – a wind of change in Western Europe

Wide welcome for Wild Europe’s old growth forest protection strategy

Old Growth Forest Protection Strategy launched

Message from HRH the Prince of Wales

The impact of Brexit

Leading scientists dismayed by emerging EU climate policy and its impact on forests

Wood energy schemes “a disaster” for climate change

Holland goes Wild – a message for developed landscapes

Full steam ahead for Rewilding Britain

Wild Europe joins new rewilding group in France

The Economic Benefits Working Group

Bark Bettle Breakthrough

Wild Europe definition of wilderness

‘Non intervention’ management guidelines in operation

Wilderness Register developed

Wild Europe presentation to Chambery conference (France)

Wild Europe strategy in Naturalité publication

First bison roam free in Germany

Beaver reintroduction confirmed in Scotland

Old Growth Forest Protection Strategy launched

Support the IUCN Motion on old growth forest

A Motion calling for improved policy and funding support for old growth/primary forest is now proceeding.

Based on the Protection Strategy from Wild Europe’s 2017 Brussels conference and associated consultations, the Motion for this Resolution was developed by Daniel Vallauri of WWF France. It is currently being discussed online: (https://www.iucncongress2020.org/motion/125).

The Motion will be proposed for adoption online in late March (online), or in June during the IUCN Congress in Marseilles. The resulting Resolution will provide a significant platform at the 2020 IUCN Marseille Congress for promoting stringent protection and extensive restoration across Europe.

ACTION: Please comment online, support – and forward this information to your networks. Deadline 11th of March!

Final stage for mapping wild France

Wild Europe signed an agreement on 31st January 2020 to fund the third and final stage of this initiative title “CARTNAT” to identify and map actual and potential wild and wilderness areas. 

France: Mapping for a vision of true nature

The exercise is undertaken by IGN (Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestiere), Nantes University and the Wildland Research Institute at Leeds University

Phase 1 ending in October 2018 developed methodology appropriate to project objectives and geographic criteria.

Phase 2 ending in October 2019 mapped ten test sites, of which seven contain significant wild or even prospective wilderness areas. The remainder provided a context of different land uses.

Phase 3, now starting, will extend the exercise to remaining areas across France. Along with its partners IUCN France and WWF France, Wild Europe has provided funding for all three stages.

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Give your views on wood bioenergy for an IUCN motion

Use of wood as bioenergy worsens climate change, is an expensive and inefficient form of energy generation and causes huge damage to forests across Europe and in the USA (see below).

Fighting for forests? IUCN Marseilles 2020

If you represent an IUCN member organisation or are a member of WCPA or any IUCN commission, you can comment on submitted motions for the IUCN 2020 Marseilles conference. 

Motion # 038 ‘Promoting biodiversity preservation through energy transformation measures’

Representations could include (a) end subsidies for burning wood for bioenergy (b) burning wood is not carbon zero (c) safeguards are needed to protect forest biodiversity. If you have a chance to comment the document, please do so before 26 February (and encourage other allies eg. European Paper Network network to do so too).

ACTION: Log into the conference website using this procedure

Need more information on wood fuel bioenergy?

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Snapshots of the conference on wilderness and old-growth/primary forests in Bratislava

With the permission of attendees, this post includes a few images of the Conference on Wilderness and Old-Growth/Primary Forest in Bratislava on 20-21 November 2019.

Presentations of the conference on wilderness and old-growth forest, Day 2

Session 1. Model initiatives for the wild

Session Chair: Eladio Fernandez Galliano, Former Head of Biodiversity and Heritage, Council of Europe

Session 2. Launch of the European Wilderness Forum

Session Chair: Gernant Magnin, Wild Europe Executive Committee

Session 3. Natural habitats, ecosystem services and climate change: the need for sound science

Session Chair: Martin Mikolas, Forestry Faculty, Czech University of Life Sciences

  • Ecosystem services and climate change – why sound science must guide the New Green Deal and beyond Michael Norton, Director of the Environment Programme, European Academies of Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
  • Linking incentives to science: action for bioenergy in Europe – EU level and country model replication, Mary S Booth, Director, Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI) USA
Session 4. Promoting best practice in the wild

Session Chair: Bill Murphy, former Head of Environment and Recreation, Coillte Irish Forestry Agency

Session 5. A framework for large-scale restoration in Europe

Session Chair: Theresa Frei, European Forest Institute

Session 6. New legal, enterprise and funding frameworks

Session Chair: Viktoria Hasler, Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Austria

Session 7. EU Parliamentary Resolutions: to date and looking ahead

Session Chair: Zoltan Kun, Head of Conservation, Wild Europe

Session 8. European policy & practice – the wider impact

Session Chair: Andreas Beckmann, Chief Executive, WWF Central & East Europe

  • The New Green Deal and the global impact of Europe, Katja Garson, FERN (video conference)
  • European linkage with key international instruments, (UN Decade for Restoration, CBD) – the Carpathian Convention and UNEP, Harald Egerer, Head of the UN Environment Programme Vienna Office Head of the Carpathian Convention
  • Updating key instruments: Stage II of Management Guidelines for N2000 wilderness, and the Wilderness Register, Steve Carver, Director Wildland Research Institute (Leeds University), Co-Chair IUCN Rewilding Task Force
Closing session: Implementing and communicating the Action Plan for wilderness and old growth/ primary forest in Europe

Session Chair: Ladislav Miko, Head of EU Representation in Slovakia, Chairman, Wild Europe