Resounding success for European wildness at WILD10
The WILD10 Congress held in Salamanca from 4-10th October 2013 was a resounding success.
Themed around Making the World a Wilder Place, this latest Congress in the longest-running series of such events in the world of conservation involved over 1,000 delegates from more than 65 countries.

Wilderness and wild area initiatives from around the globe were highlighted – art, culture and youth engagement as well as demonstrations of economic, social and environmental impact.
The Congress produced a number of key outcomes and resolutions, encapsulated in the Statement from Salamanca.
More information
Wild Europe presentation at WILD 10 (October 2014, Salamanca, Spain): European Wilderness, Where From, Where Now, Where To?
Wild Europe presentation at WILD 9 (November 2010, Merida, Mexico): Next Steps for Wilderness in Europe