The European Parliament vote

The European Parliament passed a Resolution in February 2009 calling for improved protection, funding and promotion of wilderness areas. It was adopted with 538 votes in favour and only 19 against, representing a massive cross party endorsement and a strong popular mandate for action.

…. a massive endorsement for improved protection of wilderness in Europe…. a massive endorsement for improved protection of wilderness in EuropeThe EU Parliament in StrasburgThe EU Parliament in Strasburg

Aspects requested by the Resolution

  • Develop an EU wilderness strategy, coherent with the Birds and Habitats Directives and setting priorities
  • Devote special attention to the effective protection of wilderness
  • Detect immediate threats linked to wilderness
  • Give a special status to and stricter protection for wilderness zones in the Natura 2000
  • Strengthening of wilderness-related policies and measures
  • Co-operation (by the EC and Member States) with local non-governmental organisations, stakeholders and the local population to promote the value of wilderness
  • Member States to exchange their experiences of best practices and lessons learned about wilderness areas

This Resolution was based on a Report from the Parliamentary Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. The Resolution also called on the European Commission to recognize the Wild Europe initiative.

The Resolution reflects a growing awareness of the value of Europe’s remaining wilderness and wild areas, and the urgent need to protect and restore them.

Wild Europe provided a collective presentation at the European Parliament before adoption of the Resolution, and is developing a strategy for representation of wilderness and wild area issues.